Microsoft has a shocking level of control over IT within the US federal government – so much so that former senior White House cyber policy director AJ Grotto thinks it's fair to call Redmond's recent security failures a national security issue.
Since we live in the era of digital development, there will be security gaps regardless of the operating systems used by each state. Certainly microsoft is not the best possible solution to security issues but let us not forget that operating systems such as linux are also exposed to risks from time to time. Let's not forget also the xz utils backdoor that was recently discovered and for three years no one understood what was going on.
My personal opinion is that operating systems like OpenBSD are the most secure solution for servers, firewall, router, mailserver, webserver, hypervisors, nas and desktops. Check here
Interesting point - I'll have a look later today
P.S: My first impression is that a tough Unix OS can't rely on very dumb and unprofessional websites like those you provided.
Is that the project official website?
reply is the official website of the project. Don't pay attention to the design. Start reading the project goals, cryptography and security mitigations.
The second website I provide you is a simple website to understand in simple words what OpenBSD is and how it works. I hope you take a look and test it first. If you want any help I am here :)
They you for the clarification and your readiness for assistance 🙏♥️
You are always welcome. Check here also what else is provided with OpenBSD.
  1. OpenSMTPD
  2. OpenSSH Do not forget that ssh was developed and ported for first time by OpenBSD developers and it is part of the OpenBSD project!
  3. OpenBGPD
  4. LibreSSL
And of course OpenBSD firewall (PF packet filtering) which is amazing! Iptables is a huge mess. PF is simple. Take a look here. FInally most linux distros use sudo. In OpenBSD we use doas (dedicated openbsd application subexecutor) Check the simplicity Have a nice day!
This website will show you why openbsd rocks!
Here you will find OpenBSD news
Microsoft Google Apple, and probably others like Cisco, ARE part of the national security state...
They aren't a natsec risk, they're controlled assets
For all the FUD about China's mil-civ fusion, that's a dog whistle for those awake... we do exactly the same.
it's not just the US gov that is at risk
Germany is starting to use open source though
UK gov is also using Ubuntu in some areas
Yes I heard about the move toward FOSS Germany took.
We live in interesting times!
The US DoD uses lots of open source software to power their infrastructure. Docker and Kubernetes for example are widely used and publicly disclosed.
Apple has about the same amount of control over IT. Both are security risks. Whatever happened to blackberry?